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We will promote high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-03-02      Origin: Site

Source: China Trade News Author: Zhou Dongyang 2021-03-02 09:02:31

Adhering to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, China and other One Belt And One Road countries have deepened practical cooperation across the board and achieved fruitful results.

The Belt and Road Initiative has become a popular international public good that attracts worldwide attention and contributes significantly to the building of an open world economy and a community with a shared future for mankind.

Qian Keming, Vice Minister of Commerce, said at the press conference of the CIO that last year, in the face of adverse factors such as the Covid-19 epidemic, China and relevant countries helped each other in times of difficulties and made new progress and results in the joint efforts to promote One Belt And One Road.

China's trade in goods with other B&R countries was US $1.35 trillion, up 0.7% year on year. Non-financial direct investment in B&R countries was US $17.79 billion, up 18.3% year on year. Positive progress was made in a number of major projects such as the China-Laos Railway, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway and the China-Belarus Industrial Park.

Belt and Road International

The areas of cooperation have been expanded

"In the face of the epidemic, the new progress and results of the joint construction of One Belt And One Road are mainly based on three factors."

Economist Song Qinghui said in an interview with China Trade News, first, the "One Belt And One Road" initiative has strong resilience and vitality, and can continue to promote the development of related projects;

Second, countries along the "One Belt And One Road" have paid more attention to policy coordination, communication and information sharing, and established a mutual trust mechanism.

Third, the "One Belt and One Road" international cooperation is further diversified, while the integration of online and offline is deepened, so that "One Belt And One Road" is full of vitality and vitality.

Up to now, China has signed 205 cooperation documents on One Belt And One Road cooperation with 171 countries and international organizations.

The "One Belt And One Road" in the spirit of the ancient Silk Road is becoming a global initiative and a great practice in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

"Previously, 'One Belt And One Road' cooperation mainly referred to economic cooperation and mutual benefit, but now there is more emphasis on joint response to global challenges, including fighting the epidemic, maintaining global supply chain stability and promoting economic recovery," he said.

Wang Yiwei, an expert at the Expert Committee of CCPIT and a professor at the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, told reporters that in the face of the epidemic, China and countries along the "One Belt And One Road" have focused on promoting health and digital Silk Road projects and deepening cooperation in the areas of people's livelihood.

China in the area along the "international cooperation within the framework of constantly fight disease cooperation with relevant countries, in addition to share China in epidemic prevention, treatment, such as organization and management experience, also take advantage of China's epidemic prevention material production capacity, with the relevant national organization in the framework of" area "in line with masks, protective clothing and other goods production, strengthen the vaccine and the joint development of resistance to disease.

This is not only conducive to the cooperation and development of international public health undertakings, but also expands the field of "One Belt And One Road" international cooperation and promotes the development of the health silk road.

In the meantime, China has established a "green channel" with many countries along the "One Belt And One Road" to facilitate the flow of goods and a "fast channel" to facilitate the exchange of people, which has played a positive role in guaranteeing the cOne Belt And One Roadruction of "BBB1" projects and promoting economic growth.

The construction of the China-Laos railway, an important part of the Pan-Asia Railway, has not been disrupted by the outbreak. The Friendship Tunnel, a nearly 10-kilometer cross-border tunnel linking the two countries at the China-Laos border, opened in September last year.

The second phase of the Karakoram Highway (Hveliyan-Takot section) was handed over to the National Highways Authority of Pakistan in December last year, and the Lahore Rail Transit Orange Line project was put into operation last October.

Green Development Concept

Benefit countries along the Belt and Road

Green is the background color of "One Belt And One Road" construction. Since the release of the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Green Belt and Road Construction, China and other countries along the Belt and Road have made useful efforts in pollution control, ecological and environmental protection, green production and green finance.

In September 2020, China pledged to be carbon neutral by 2060, which puts higher requirements on "One Belt And One Road" green development.

Song Qinghui said that the "One Belt And One Road" green development concept has played the dual role of leading and international demonstration in the joint cOne Belt And One Roadruction of "BBB1", bringing tangible benefits to the countries along the Belt and Road, and realizing mutual benefit and win-win situation.

According to data released by the US-based Institute for Public Policy Research, China's investment in renewable energy in Belt and Road projects increased by nearly 40 percent from 2014 to 2020, surpassing investment in fossil energy.

In May last year, the Hasyan Clean Coal-fired Power Station Project in the United Arab Emirates, built by Chinese enterprises, made steady progress and was connected to the grid for power generation.

It is the first clean coal-fired power station in the Middle East and a key project of the "One Belt And One Road" project. Once completed, it will change Dubai's long history of relying on imported natural gas for power generation, ensure its energy supply and diversify its energy mix, and contribute to the implementation of Dubai's 2030 energy strategic plan.

More importantly, the Chinese builders' efforts to protect the environment in the project not only use the most advanced combustion and dust removal technology to reduce air pollution emissions, but also transplant and cultivate more than 20,000 coral strains in the construction area to minimize the environmental risk in the surrounding waters...

In Song Qinghui's view, 2021 should further promote the joint construction of "One Belt And One Road" from two major aspects.

First, One Belt And One Road partners should adhere to the concept of non-corrupt, green and BBB2 development, further pool wisdom and strength, and continue to promote high-quality jointOne Belt And One Roadstruction of BBB1.

Second, we will further tap new economic growth points such as cross-border e-commerce with the help of cutting-edge technologies such as big data, cloud computing, blockchain and artificial intelligence, and unleash the development potential of countries and regions along the "One Belt And One Road".

Ke-ming qian said that the Ministry of Commerce will be how to construct the new development pattern, is focused on the "in" economic and trade cooperation, promote to build "area" quality development, will this year through innovative way of foreign investment cooperation, promote the upgrading of foreign contracted engineering, measures such as developing the third-party market cooperation, promote the construction of a batch of high quality cooperation projects, implement a group of livelihood aid projects, encourage domestic powerful enterprises to go out.

Editor in charge: Ge Yan


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