"One Belt One Road" Injects Warm Current into the Global Economy in the Epidemic

Publish Time: 2021-01-12     Origin: Site

"One Belt One Road" Injects Warm Current into the Global Economy in the Epidemic

The rising data against the trend demonstrates the strong resilience and vitality of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, setting up a “life channel” for fighting the epidemic, a “growth channel” for economic recovery, and a “win-win bridge” for unleashing potential. Take the initiative to act with great powers.

According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce a few days ago, from January to November 2020, my country’s non-financial direct investment in countries related to the “Belt and Road” initiative was US$15.96 billion, a year-on-year increase of 24.9%. Under the unprecedented epidemic in a century, the rising data against the trend fully demonstrated the strong resilience and vitality of the “Belt and Road” initiative, showing China's initiative to act as a major country and injecting a warm current into the “cold winter” of the global economy.

First of all, the “Belt and Road Initiative” has set up a “channel of life” to fight the epidemic. In 2020, partners in the “Belt and Road” initiative will support each other, unite and develop together during the epidemic. China has actively played its role as the world's largest supplier of anti-epidemic materials, and has successively provided more than 280 batches of emergency anti-epidemic material assistance to more than 150 countries and international organizations. Data shows that in 2020, the number of China-Europe freight trains exceeded 10,000, and the traffic volume in the first 10 months of last year exceeded that of the entire year of 2019, becoming a "steel transportation camel team" helping countries fight the epidemic. China has also provided support and assistance to many countries and regions through the "Air Silk Road". During the epidemic, more than 1,700 tons of anti-epidemic materials have been transported.

Secondly, the “Belt and Road Initiative” has set up a “growth channel” for economic recovery. During the epidemic, the “Belt and Road” project did not stall, but quickly resumed work and production. For example, the first large-scale rail transit project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the Lahore Orange Line project in Pakistan, was officially opened to traffic in October 2020, opening up the "Metro Era" in Pakistan. At the same time, China has established "green channels" with many "Belt and Road" partner countries to facilitate the flow of goods and "fast channels" to facilitate personnel exchanges, which has played a positive role in ensuring the economic development of countries related to the "Belt and Road".

Once again, the “Belt and Road Initiative” has erected a “win-win bridge” that unleashes potential. In the past year, China and its "Belt and Road" partners have accelerated the process of regional economic integration and signed the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement" and "The Cooperation Plan between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the African Union on Jointly Promoting the Construction of the "Belt and Road". Such documents have injected new momentum into the accelerated recovery of the global economy. At present, the "Belt and Road" cooperation has achieved many results in the areas of "Silk Road E-commerce", the construction of digital transportation corridors, the construction of cross-border optical cable information channels, and the construction of China-ASEAN information ports.

I know the pines and cypresses in the cold, and see the rainbow in wind and rain. The epidemic has strengthened the determination of all parties to jointly build the "Belt and Road". In 2021, China will continue to embrace the world with open arms, pay more attention to cooperation with countries related to the “Belt and Road”, provide stronger impetus, greater space, and better paths for the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”, and promote the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. Towards higher quality.


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